High Net Worth Planning & Wealth Transfer

The Copenbarger & Copenbarger Estate Planning Department has a special team of knowledgeable attorneys serving our wealthiest clients.


We can help you if you answer “yes” to any of the following:

  • Have I outgrown the estate plan that was put in place for me before my financial success became what it is today?
  • Do I have more than $10,000,000 of assets to pass to my heirs?
  • Would I like to implement some gifting now while assets values are low?
  • Do I want – or need! – to transfer some of my income stream to individuals in lower tax brackets, while still retaining control of the underlying asset?
  • Do I want to explore ways to safely defer capital gains tax on the sale of highly appreciated assets?
  • Is my family prepared to continue, or transition out of, my thriving busines (es) if something should happen to me?
  • Do I like the idea of a “family office” where I can have all my legal and tax matters handled at one firm?
  • Am I ready to explore options to minimize the 40% estate tax before the estate tax exemption decreases substantially in a few years?

We are here to help you implement your goals.
Whether you are just looking into options or know exactly what you want, we can assist you in addressing a wide variety of your needs.

    Copenbarger & Copenbarger is Here to Help

    We serve clients with great care and warmth as we counsel you about the technical issues related to planning to transfer ownership, cash flow, and management responsibility to the next generation. We advise you about simple but powerful planning strategies or more complex strategies, all depending on your wishes.

    The most important benefit of planning for wealth transfers is being able to take the efforts of your life and make them more than just monetary wealth – to transfer an enduring legacy of personal value.

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